Friday, March 12, 2010

Almost Two Weeks

So many things have happened since my last post but I will just hit on a few of them. First thing is that the kids started school this week. The first full day was Tuesday and I took them and picked them up this day. Wednesday both kids had dental appointments and did not go to school. Jayse had 6 teeth pulled, lots of tears but recovered well. Thursday Jayse was upset that he did not ride the bus to school, so I allowed them to ride it home. Today is Friday and they rode the bus too school and will also ride it home. They both seem to enjoy it! I have had many battles with both Jayse and Ali and I know that there will be tons more. I just want to establish from the beginning that we are their parents and they have to listen to us. Yesterday Ali and I got into a a battle and she is always wanting to win! Obviously she didn't and I have had to teach her that she needs to fear us a little! She cried and said she wanted to go back to Ukraine (I am sure I will hear this again a few times)!! I told her that she is Mommy and Poppy's little girl now and she will only go back to visit Ukraine but not live there. After she through her fit, she cried and hugged me and said she was sorry! So much for them to learn and absorb!! I will say that things are getting easier and we are all adjusting better. God bless to everyone and I will keep you posted! I will try to add pictures this weekend!

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